Spanish Rice

Spanish Rice
Spanish Rice
Story pending

Spanish Rice has been a constant staple in my families meals. The recipe that we eat today is brought to us by my father and his side of the family. Spanish rice is one of my favorite dishes and I eat it with almost anything. The rice is also very favored for many events we take part in. It is cooked by my dad and he adds caramelized onions along with Puerto Rican seasonings that I cannot announce (his rules not mine). For a fact, this rice that my dad has been cooking has been cooked ever since he was a child and was taught how to cook it at a very young age. I do not know who the original owner of the recipe is but it has been around since before the 1950s.

Place(s): Puerto Rico

– Jacob Munet

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more