Sock monkey

Sock monkey made by my grandmother
Sock monkey made by my grandmother
Story pending

This object represents my grandmother, Susie, who I only get to see a few times a year.  Susie made me a grey and white sock monkey when I was very young and that’s something that always reminds me of her.  One of the reasons that this item reminds me of her is the fact that she is very talented at knitting things.  The sock monkey is very important to me due to the fact that I don’t get to see her too often and the sock monkey is a way to remember her.  This object also represents my grandmother because knitting is something that she has always been passionate about and it is a healthy hobby.  I feel that my story connects with other family stories because many people have objects that remind them of someone they love that is no longer with them or that they are just not able to see very often.

– Carter Shaw

Relationship:  unknown unknown