Soccer Trophy
For my object, I chose my soccer trophies. They are very important to me. The first time my dad introduced me to soccer, I fell in love with the sport. Something deep inside me just felt that soccer was right for me. A passion I have found within myself when I was younger. I have more than 8 or 9 trophies and more than 7 medals. Some of them are shiny and new, but some I got in 2016 when I was 4. Some of them are also dirty and rusty which is a sign that I got them when I was little. Most of them are made out of metal, but a couple are plastic. Soccer is a sport my whole family enjoys. My dad used to play soccer when he was young and living in Kuwait. My object has not traveled but the history of playing it has. My moms side played basketball, but my dads side of the family played soccer. Each one playing it down to their child. My identity is mostly made up of soccer, a sport I love so much. Soccer is one of the most played sports in the world. Many soccer players have said it is a calming sport that is going to change the world. I relate because soccer makes me feel at peace and makes me forget all my worries. It helps me with my technique and to focus, not only in soccer, but in school, karate and all life skills.
– FK
Relationship: unknown unknown