Soccer Ball
My soccer journey
My soccer ball is a huge part of my life. It was the first ball I had when I started playing competitive soccer. I’ve been playing soccer since I was six years old, and I started competing at nine. When I moved from Dover to Deerfield, I used soccer as a way to connect with my new home. This ball is important to me because it reminds me of how I began my soccer journey and how far I've come. My dad also played soccer as a kid, because he was a fullback. I’m a goalkeeper, and he teaches me a lot about goaltending since he was always near the goalie and did a lot of coordination exercises with him. The soccer ball is a big part of my life and my dad helps me a lot. This ball reminds me that there is struggle but you can pull through. I had an almost undefeated season in 2022-2023 and we lost our last game 6-1 but when we played that team in the playoffs we lost only 2-1. Soccer has taught me perseverance, teamwork, and has helped me to develop friendships and gain new ones. The impact of this soccer ball and many before it have had a major impact on my life and how I am shaped and who I am. Everything soccer has given to my life all started with this ball.
– DL.
Relationship: unknown unknown