Soccer Ball

In Fun
Story pending

It's just any ordinary soccer ball.  It looks like a smaller version of a watermelon except it's not green, it's white and hollow.  It's smooth and has lots of stitching in it.  A soccer ball is important to my family because it something that my family loves to play.  My abuelo grew up in Ecuador and he valued the game of soccer.  He migrated to the U.S. about 43 years ago and he moved to Chicago.  At his house in Chicago he had a big grass yard.  When I was about 3 I went to his house with my family and we would play soccer all the time and we would watch soccer. My dad played soccer in high school and he said he loved the sport.  He was a goalkeeper.  He said he wasn't too good at but it doesn't matter if you're not good at the sport, as long as you like it then it's important to you. Now my dad coaches my little brothers and I play on a select team and my parents never miss anybody's game. So that's why we value the sport of soccer, because it brings our family together. 

Place(s): Chicago
Year: 1875

– K.R.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant