
It's used as an instrument
It's used as an instrument
Story pending

When my brother was 6 months old, my grandfather Eitan, brought a shofar from Israel and gave it to my dad as a present. A shofar is a traditional Hebrew musical instrument made of a ram's horn. It’s commonly used during holiday services, for example at Rashashanait is blown to call forth the new year. He brought it because he wanted us to have something to represent where he’s from. My dad immigrated here with my grandma. My dad and grandma left South Africa and came to America, and lived in Florida for a while. They left South Africa because at the time it was very dangerous there, and there was Apartheid. Back to the shofar, when my dad moved out he left the shofar with me and my mother. Currently, we have it at our house. It reminds us of my Hebrew heritage. We keep it as something symbolic.

Place(s): South Africa, America
Year: 1954

– AN

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant