Set of Pyramids

Relationship: Im/migrant
Story pending

My object is a set of three white pyramids with hieroglyphics on them. Each of them has a different design and they’re all slightly bigger than the one before it. Each one of them has a different texture. The hieroglyphs pop out and make a texture on the outside. It also has different pictures representing Ancient Egypt, each with its own addition to the overall texture. I got this object last year when I was visiting Egypt during the winter. Every year, we visit Egypt during the summer. Every time we go to Egypt, we go to the beach. This represents me and my family because we’re from Egypt. My mom and dad were both born in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. When we went to Egypt in the winter, we visited the museum and I got this so I would always remember my trip. One way this affects me is that we eat Egyptian food often. Whenever we go to Egypt, we eat Egyptian food, but we also have it at home. One food common in Egypt is stuffed grape leaves. They are grape leaves filled with a type of rice mixture. One very, very Egyptian food is a type of green (called Molokhia) that is pureed and served with rice. It is eaten all over the country and is very common.This also affects me because in Egypt they speak Arabic, so I do too. It was my first language when I was younger, but only for a few months. I still know Arabic, and we used to have a rule where my sister and I were only allowed to speak Arabic at home so we wouldn’t forget it. We also go to Arabic school every Saturday.

Place(s): Egypt

– Y.S.

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant