
My grandmother in the River Pance
My grandmother in the River Pance

The wood-fired sancocho is very important to me because it makes me remember the most beautiful thing I have and that is my family. Since I can remember I grew up with family weekends, wood-fired sancocho, games, laughter and a lot of love.  Firewood sancocho is a typical Colombian dish, in my family we make sancocho every weekend.  Every weekend my whole family and I went to my grandmother's farm and made chicken sancocho over firewood. We all stayed the night, ate, played, laughed, watched movies, went to the river, listened to music, and we had a lot of fun.  My grandmother always gave me the largest chicken prey and the chicken's eggs (maybe she prefers me more haha).  Sometimes when we were not going to the farm we would go to Pance, it is a river in my city Cali which is very recognized and it is also very common to see families making sancocho with firewood.  The happiest memories of my life have been eating sancocho with my family in Colombia.  Now that we live in New York we still make sancocho but not as much.

Place(s): River Pance, Farm
Year: 2022

– MR

Relationship:  unknown unknown