

When my great grandmother was little she received a rosary from her parents as a birthday gift because they didn't have much money and they were very strong believers in God. They told my great grandmother that if she prays the rosary good things would come. After that she prays the rosary five times to show her devotion to God. Then she pass that same rosary to my grandma and my grandma to start with wasn't a very strong believer in God until she got very sick. While she was very sick her mom prayed the rosary every single day praying that my grandma doesn't die. 2 days later my grandma got better and  the doctors could not believe what just happen because my grandma was supposed to die because she had a very high fever. From that almost near death experience my grandma started the praying the rosary and pass the same devotion and faith to my Mom. Which what my mom is doing by forcing me to pray the rosary every single day because good things will happen if you stay faithful to God and pray the rosary.

Place(s): Mexico

– nathan edmonds

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant