
In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
Story pending

One thing I want to talk about is a handcrafted traditional instrument, which is a set of chorded cane pampines placed by sides. This is played by blowing over the edge of the reeds across the top that produce a sound. This national instrument is called the rondador. They are part of my culture, even when I am far from my country, they still make me feel like I am connected with my roots. When I look at this instrument that was sent by my family, I remember the elderly who played all the time, and it brings me nostalgia.
The wooden house is another item I got from my family in Ecuador. This reminds me of home because it looks like an old traditional Ecuadorian house from the villages. The house shows the people wearing traditional clothes, and how they used to bake bread with a mud oven. 
When I was a child, we lived in a city, but my mom used to take us to the village and tell us about our family history. My mom told us that my grandma was part of the village and that she shared her memories with us. When I was a child, I remember we used to travel a lot to the village and we used to eat the traditional wooden cooked bread in a wooden bakery. Inside the bakery there used to be an old indigenous man playing the andine music with the rondador. Despite being far from my country, the smell of fresh wooden bread in the village and the instrumental music keep me connected to my roots.

Place(s): Ecuador

– NA

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant