The object that I chose to write about belonged to my grandmother who I am incredibly close to. It's a ring with her birthstone, an opal, that her father (my great grandfather) gave to her when she was a little girl. She used to wear it every day and it was something so special to her. When my grandmother got older, it didn’t fit her finger anymore and she would keep it in her jewelry box. When I was a little girl, I would go over to her house and would always look at it in her jewelry box and play with it. On my 13th birthday, she passed it on to me. It was the most meaningful gift I ever received. I loved the heritage and origin of it, but I also loved that it was hers and that I could carry around a little piece of her with me every day. Whenever I have a challenge or something hard, or just need some extra good luck, I wear the ring, because I know that she is with me giving me that extra strength. To me this ring represents good luck. I used to wear it everyday, until one day when I was drying off after swimming, it slipped off my finger. I absolutely panicked - not because of the value but because of the significance it holds in my life. Luckily I found it, but was too scared to wear it daily after that. Now I only wear it on special occasions and those times I need a little extra luck and strength.
– CW
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant