
In Attire
Story pending

My object is a ring from my great grandma who  immigrated from Northern Ireland in the 1920s. She didn't pass the eye test, so she had to pretend to be her sister who did pass to get into the states. She lived in California and gave the ring to my mom who wears it everyday. It feels metal and cold and big on my finger, because it's not mine. It is made out of white gold. The place it came from is a small store in Ireland. The object is important to my family, because it represents half of my mom's heritage and a quarter of my heritage. It is also important to me, because it shows how generous my great grandma who I never knew was. 

Place(s): Northern Ireland, California
Year: 1920

– W.G.

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more