Starting from a young age my dad has always had us into hunting and the outdoors. I started hunting when I was 8, and I killed my first buck when I was 11-years old. The rifle I shot that buck with was my Grandpa Roger's 30-06 Springfield. Since I killed my first buck, I have shot about seven more deer with that exact same gun. Not just me, but all of my brothers have killed several animals with that exact rifle. Even though my brothers and I have made a lot of history with that gun, that gun started killing animals long before my Grandpa Roger even started hunting. My grandfather's dad was the first owner of this rifle back in 1955. He hunted with it for several years before handing it down to my Grandpa Roger when he was 11-years old. My grandpa hunted with this rifle for 56 years before he just gave my dad the rifle. My dad has lots of rifles, so he handed the gun straight down to me. One day I will give this rifle to one of my children, but until then I’m going to take care of it, and I will kill lots more deer with it.
– EK
Relationship: unknown unknown