
Spanakopita Recipe
Spanakopita Recipe
Story pending

My grandmother learned how to cook many dishes from her mother-in-law that she could take with her when she moved around the world. My Greek grandparents moved to London in 1970 where they raised my mother and my aunt. The dish that my grandmother had been making for years, often on Greek holidays when we go visit her is called, spanakopita, a pie filled with feta and spinach with a crunchy outside made from a special dough called phyllo. My grandmother took this recipe from the US to the UK, Greece, etc. Once she decided to permanently move to New York after my grandfather had a stroke in 2001-2002, she started making more of these dishes for him because that is what made both of them happiest. She has kept these recipes for so long. Even after changing the recipe a little bit to put her twist on the dish, she still talks about how much my grandfather loved it when she would make this dish or any of his mother's dishes. Even after he passed away, my grandmother has continued to make every recipe and has made sure that we love them just as much. I have taken them all around with me and hope that I can keep the recipes going to be able to learn each one. Maybe I can even make them my own to honor the meaning and culture behind them.

Place(s): Greece

– Grey

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant