Rainbow Brite Doll

In Fun

 My mom migrated to Florida from New York around the age of ten in 1989. My father migrated to Florida from Chicago when he was seventeen. They met in Florida and in 2015 they migrated to Chicago to start a new chapter in there life. My mother who was originally from New York, received a Rainbow Brite doll from my grandmother when she was eight years old. The doll became famous from the American animated TV series Rainbow Brite that came out in 1984. When I turned eight, my mother gave me the Rainbow Brite doll wanting me to have a piece of her childhood. This doll was my only company at times growing up and I always imagined going on the same adventures with this doll. Even as years went by, my sisters told me to get rid of it, but I couldn’t see myself getting rid of my special friend. Now that I’m a teen, I do not play with the doll but I like to tell my friends stories of my adventures with this doll as a small child. In the future, I hope I can pass this doll down to my child and let them create their own stories and memories.

Place(s): Florida, New York, Chicago
Year: 1989

– Mecka V.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant