
This is a picture of the Quran.
This is a picture of the Quran.
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     The object I chose is the Quran.The Quran is a holy book of the religion called Islam, this book has information about what’s right and wrong in other words, halal and haram, this holy book contains prayers, moral guidance and promises of paradise. The Quran Is considered by muslims to be the word of Allah (god).This book is believed  to have been revealed by prophet Muhammad. The Quran was revealed to the prophet in the west arabian towns mecca and medina between 610 and 632 CE.The Quran is used for a way to connect with god and worship Allah.Mulims are required to recite certain chapters of verses of the Quran during daily prayers.It is open for anyone to read but muslims need to perform wudu before starting to read it .Wudu is a purification ritual that involves washing the face, hands, arms and feet inorder for muslims to pray five times a day.  
     I chose this object because it defines my religion and it is really important to me and my family.The Quran teaches concepts of islamic culture includes worshiping one god and observing the rules of the Quran.These goals require a disciplined life.The Quran is connected to everybody in my family from central asia. 
     One question I have for my ancestors is if they have fully memorized the Quran because they will be identified as a hafiz.

– KA

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more