
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My object is the Quran. The Quran is from a cave in Mount Hira near Mecca. The Quran is the holy book of Muslims revealed in stages to the prophet Muhammad over 23 years. Quar’anic revelations are regarded by Muslims as the sacred word of God. My family and I use the Quran. The Quran is made of paper. The Quran talks about Islam and Allah. 

I chose the Quran because it’s important to me and my family and my culture. It teaches me about Islam and what happened a long time ago. Sometimes I read the Quran with my mom and sometimes my mom teaches me how to read it in Arabic. I go to classes that teach me how to read in Arabic and about the prophets and Allah. My Mom and Dad immigrated to the US when my older sister was 5 and then I was born in upstate New York. 

In my family the Quran means a lot because it teaches us about what happened, like how prophet Muhammad was the last prophet and how prophet Moses split the sea. 

Place(s): New York, Bangladesh

– YN

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant