
Relationship: Im/migrant

religion is Quran 

The  Quran is important to me  because it is based on  my religion  and my family. For my  family the Quran is very important. Every morning we read the Quran to know more and know more about the speech of my religion. My Quran is from SENEGAL. The first day that I received the Quran I was happy.  When I read the Quran it gives me more power to know a lot about my religion to distinguish what a Muslim should or should not do. It’s not the same if it was Senegal. I would read the Quran with my family but if it was here I would read the Quran alone.

French version.
Le coran es't important pour moi car il est basé sur ma religion et ma famille. Pour ma famille le coran est très important, chaque matin nous lisons le coran pour en savoir plus et en savoir plus sur le discours de ma religion. Quand je lis le coran, cela me donne plus de pouvoir et d'en savoir beaucoup sur ma religion pour distinguer ce qu'un musulman doit ou ne doit pas faire. 

Place(s): senegal
Year: 2021

– fatou

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant