Quinceanera Gifts

Relationship: Im/migrant
Doll and shoes from my quinceanera
Doll and shoes from my quinceanera

I was born on February 24, 2003. Daddy left us when I was just 8 months old to come to the United States to work and give us a better life. The prince dreamed of a better life for his three princesses. However, mommy didn't want to be without her prince at home.  Two years and four months after the prince left home, mommy decided to come to the United States to meet her prince. The princess left the two little princesses lonely living with their grandparents.

Fifteen years later on my special date of February 24, 2018, I finally was with both of my heroes in the United States. Happily I was the quinceñera of prince and princess. In some cultures there is a tradition in which the quinceañera receive a doll and a pair of high slippers, a special gift from both of the quinceañera parents, that was my case. During my quinceañera party I received a beautiful pink doll from daddy, and a pair of  a golden high slipper from mommy. I was not expecting those gifts. But now those gifts are treasures for my life. They mean my first special gift that my hero and my heroine gave me personally.

In those moments when my daddy and my mommy were giving me my gifts , they both hugged me and whispered in my ear that they would have liked to be present on all my childhood birthdays. Tears rained from our faces. 
Parents' times in our childhood are treasures that would never vanish from our life story. I will always keep my treasure during my entire life. 

Place(s): Guatemala

– AF

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant