Punto de Cruz Servilletas

the two ducks that followed my tita
the two ducks that followed my tita
Story pending

The napkins shown are punto de cruz servilletas( cross-stitch napkins); my tita Maria Luisa Gonzalez makes these beautiful napkins. Being a woman in Mexico, she had a very traditional upbringing. Still, throughout her marriage, she became the father and mother due to her husband being drunk, and the way of income for her was to make these beautiful napkins for events in her ranch La Goma, Nayarit, and to keep food warm. Although this was a small source of income for her, this made her feel a fresh breath of air because of how much focus this takes. It distracted her from the harsh reality at home, making her seek a way to leave. M These napkins, in specific, were created in her travels to come to the United States; as you can see, the napkins have become yellow from their aging; she was one of the few that were fortunate to go to the US legally. On the 22-hour bus ride, my grandmother brought her napkins to calm her nerves and symbolize a few of the things she saw on her way. My favorite story is about the two ducks; two ducks followed my grandmother on her 4-mile walk to the central city to take the bus. Although she struggles with her health, she still makes these difficult napkins and continues teaching my cousins and me to carry on this beautiful handcraft for many more generations. 

Place(s): La Goma, Nayarit
Year: 2001

– Janeth Rodriguez

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant