Pumpkin Cake

Story pending

My object is a piece of pumpkin cake. I has a orangeish look with white icing on top. The icing is a cream cheese icing that has not nearly as much cream cheese as most other cream cheese icings. The pumpkin batter is made from frozen pumpkin, eggs and a couple of other things. I don’t know the exact recipe, but I know the just of it.

It represents something that my family does and has done for a while: Cooking. I chose this object, because it was a recipe that my grandma made, then she passed down to my dad. My dad made a couple changes, but every Halloween me and my dad get some pumpkins to make many batches of pumpkin cake. We have so much pumpkin that me and my dad just finished the last of the pumpkin last week. My dad and I also go to my grandma's house every year at Thanksgiving to have a Thanksgiving dinner, and Christmas as well.

– L.H.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant