
In Fun
its a  gaming console
its a gaming console
Story pending

A ps 2 was super popular in its time. It was a new form of technology that no one had seen before and everyone wanted to try it and so everyone did and everyone loved it so much that 7 years later a company named flex made the Xbox one and people loved it that's when Microsoft decided to swoop in and take over. And it sold over 1.5 million times (before Microsoft bought it) and the ps finally had its competition and this competition would go on for decades. They would try to make collaborations but it would be small and insignificant and really wouldn't make a difference in how people wanted the games to be played and the collaboration would have made both of the consoles skyrocket in people. But back to the Xbox they recently came out with a new one and it's called the Xbox series x apparently it's better than the newest ps5 which sony spent what felt like 5 years. I believe one day in my life I had a ps2 in my life but I accidentally broke it when I was 5 and put a waffle in it.

Place(s): california
Year: 1994

– uagli

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child