
Photo by google images
Photo by google images
Story pending

       My object is Mexican food. It is one of the biggest things in my culture. But especially Pozole. Pozole is made of hominy,pork, and spice.One of my memories of eating Pozole was when my mom and my auntie where making it when suddenly my mom realized she forgot to buy the chille powder that she puts into her pozole. My aunt asked my cousin and me to go to the Mexican store to go buy it. We were too lazy to go so we just hid in my room so we wouldn't have to go. My aunt got tired of calling for us so she just said ‘Ay lla que importa’.           My mom finished her pozole, we sat on the table, and enjoyed our food. It was still special to my family and me even though it didn't have the chile powder. Something i remember was my mom telling my family and me how she learned to make pozole. I don't know how but suddenly her story became a life leccion. She said ‘Tienes Que estar agradecida de lo que tengas porque alla en Mexico nomas hay puro frijol y tortilla.Wich in English it translates to ‘You have to be appreciative of what you have because in Mexico there is only beans and tortillas.’ When she told me this I was annoyed because she has been telling me my whole life to be appreciative of what I have. As im writing this I am realizing that she has been saying this for my own good.

Place(s): Minneapolis,MM

– Hilda Lucas-guzman

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more