
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Portrait of Grandpa
Portrait of Grandpa

My father being only 13 when he came to the United States was a sacrifice in it of itself.Constantly having to move and not being able to settle in Pakistan because of his father's work in the army led to a major decision not just regarding my decision but also his. My father took a portrait of his father's work photo when he came over. Living in Brooklyn with no actual family, he went to school and worked days in order to succeed. A few years later, his younger brother and a few of his cousins around his age came over and lived as a family or a band of brothers if you wish. They lived together until they were all old enough and until more family came and my dad knew he couldn't stay in Brooklyn. He moved to New Jersey and started a family and throughout the houses he moved to, he always had the portrait of his dad on the wall. My father was a pioneer for my entire family due to the fact he came here all alone as an adolescent and pave the path for the rest of us. Now, everyday i get home and on my wall is my dads portrait of his father that's framed. It reminds me that i didn't have to be living the life i am if my dad didn't decide to risk his youth years struggling to move his way around the crowded Brooklyn streets and he sure did succeed. I'm sure the portrait reminds my own dad as well that all the sacrifices he made paid off for where we're at today.

Place(s): Pakistan, New York
Year: 1976

– Ibrahim Khan

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant