porcelain dolls

In Fun
porcelain dolls
porcelain dolls

My great grandmother, Rita, came from Poland bringing not much but her porcelain dolls as a child from when she was about twenty. She settled down with my great grandpa, who had five kids, and my grandpa had four kids, two boys and two girls. My mom was the second youngest and adored her grandmother and the youngest girl. Rita gave my mom her dolls to hang on to. My mom loved those dolls, and she took excellent care of them. She made sure no one found out about them out of fear someone would take them. The older she got the more she loved them, which would usually be strange because most people grow out of their doll phase, but my mom just honored them with all her soul. Then one day something changed, she put them in a box, and they stayed there for many years. One day the girl she gave birth to, her only biological child, was me, she loved me, and I loved dolls. So, with that in mind she gave the dolls to me when I was ten, though, by that point I was dying out of my doll faze. Either way those are the only dolls I have in my keeping and the only dolls I will forever have in my keeping till my future daughter turns ten if I don’t have a daughter, I will give the dolls to my granddaughter. It is a tradition, one that will be kept going through the bloodline of my great grandma and I am going to be a part of it. 

Place(s): poland, new york

– SM

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more