Plymouth Belvedere Classic

1963 Plymouth Belvedere Classic
1963 Plymouth Belvedere Classic

The green car you see in the picture is a 1963 Plymouth Belvedere Classic, originally from Puebla, Mexico. Its story begins with my great-grandfather, who was the first to own and cherish this timeless beauty. As the years passed, it became a beloved family relic, passed down to my grandpa, who entertained me with tales of its adventures when I was just six years old. These stories painted vivid pictures of road trips through Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Tlaxcala, highlighting the cherished family memories made along the way. Over time, my grandpa entrusted the car to my Dad. My Dad got this car. He drove it from Puebla to Chicago, Illinois and ensured to take care of it and keep it in good condition. When my Dad was younger he had picnics with his cousins and family and went camping and rode in the car a lot. Now the car is a treasured antique, displayed in auto shows. Maybe one day it’ll be mine to carry on its legacy.

Place(s): Puebla
Year: 1963

– Danel

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child