Pink Journal

In Fun
Pink journal
Pink journal

I went on a service trip to Hawaii this summer to learn about native plant life and Hawaiian culture. Living with a group of 12 other teenagers that had never met prior brought on new friendships and very interesting dynamics. Before I went, I knew I wanted to remember every detail so I bought a small pink journal. I’ve never been good at keeping a journal, but I ended up writing at least 4 pages in it every night that my friends and I would reread all the time. This helps me remember key aspects of Hawaiian culture, and how it’s been altered and covered up by White America. It’s so much more than just fake leis and hula skirts, it’s a beautiful, deeply rooted culture with songs, chants, and traditions. I wrote down stories we heard, plants that we worked with, and wrote about a kava ceremony we had at the end of our trip. This is indirectly connected to my grandmother, as she kept a journal of her experiences when she first came to the United States from South Korea. I am very inspired by her bravery and her dedication to her journal, and I've tried to carry this dedication with me. I wanted to explore new places the same way she did.

Place(s): Hawaii, Korea

– Carrie Huh

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant