Picture/ Picture Frame

In Fun
this is a picture of Val in kindergarten
this is a picture of Val in kindergarten
Story pending

Many people from Sinaloa and other parts of Mexico have traveled to Los Angeles and other cities in the United States in quest of better economic prospects and a good future, so the migration story from Mexico, in this case, Sinaloa, to Los Angeles, or even to other cities in California is a familiar one. People or families frequently start the journey by leaving their hometowns and going to the American border. And Val's situation was just this. When Val was just 7 years of age, her mom and her packed up their bags and moved from Sinaloa, Mexico to Los Angeles, California. One of the few things that Val still has that reminds her of Mexico is a picture she took in kindergarten on school picture day. Val says she can "recall exactly what the school and the people at the school looked like. She also said she remembered all her friends' names and what they looked like. The reason Val explained this picture held so much value to her is that it reminds her of her dad. Unfortunately, Val's dad did not move to the United States with them, instead, he stayed home in Mexico to not only help with their other family members but to be on the safe side when it came to getting caught. When Val moved to Los Angeles she explained feeling a little "lost" and not in the sense of direction, more like not being able to fit in with kids from her new school/s. She explains that she recalls looking at the photo of her and instantly wishing she could be back in Mexico with those she knew along with her dad to feel a little better about the situation. 

Place(s): Sinaloa, Los Angeles
Year: 2007

– Trey Hollis

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child