Picture of my family

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Picture of my family
Picture of my family
Story pending

This is a picture of my parents once they had gotten settled in living in the US. My mother and father both decided that it would be better for them to move to the US to give me and my older brother better opportunities. My mother explained how lonely she felt after the move. She had no family, or friends, or anyone she knew in Los Angels. All of her family and friends were back in Ensenada, Baja California or in her home town of Veracruz Mexico. My mom was used to be alone because of the fact that she left home when she was so young. She moved from Veracruz to Ensenada when she was only 17. Her parents pushed her to go to get better opportunities in the city. She was from a very little town that wasn't well off. So moving to Ensenada was a big step up for her. She was used to being alone in new places, but she still would feel all the pressure and bad feelings that came with traveling to a completely different environment that she wasn't used to. Unlike her my dad had family here in LA, he already had friends and a life in the US. They were complete opposites but they still both wanted the same thing. They wanted a better life for their kids filled with many great opportunities, and they did end up accomplishing what they wanted. 

Place(s): Veracruz Mex, Ensenada Baja California, Los Angels CA
Year: 2001

– Dannia Renteria

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant