
Relationship: Im/migrant

My object is a picture. To other people it might just seem like a normal picture of a father and son but to me it’s so much more because it helped me throw hard times. The picture is of me and my father when I was a little baby. But the picture is so important to me because my father died when I was a baby and I never got to see him so I don’t know what he like or enjoy to do so the picture means a lot to me. In addition to that they are very few pictures of my dad so im really happy that I have one it makes me feel special. Therefore this picture means the world to me because it makes me feel closer to my dad. My mother gave me the picture so I would never forget my father. And I hope when I get older and have kids I could pass down that picture so my kids know who their grandpa was. And last the picture also reminds me how much me and my father look alike. 

Place(s): New york
Year: 1989

– Emilio

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant