As an escapee from war-torn Europe, young Julius (formerly Joseph) Markowitz left Romania and arrived at Ellis Island in 1909. After spending years working jobs across New York City, Julius put his life savings into his new haberdashery on Cortland Street. Customers came from all over, and wherever they came from, he "came from" as well. He was the accidental polyglot. Soon, the store became a family affair with the help of his wife, Mary, and his daughter Gloria. For the next two decades, Julius could always be found in his store helping outfit men of all shapes and sizes.
Today, only photos remain from his store, but many of his great grandkids reside in New York City. With The Market Line, I hope to continue his legacy of small business and entrepreneurship.
– Clay Graham
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more