Photo Portrait of grandparents

Framed wedding portrait of grandparents.
Framed wedding portrait of grandparents.
Story pending

My grandparents are a large part of my cultural identity and are important parts of my family as a whole. They first moved to the United States from Mexico in the '80s before my mom and her siblings were born. This portrait was of my grandparents before they left Mexico, with this portrait being handed down from generation to generation. It's now in my possession, just staying at my home in Temecula, California. When moving into the U.S, they originally came illegally, later becoming nationalized. They are now U.S citizens living in El Paso, Texas. This portrait is symbolic of where my family came from and how my grandparents went the extra mile to give us a better life.

Place(s): Juarez Mexico

– Felix Andazola

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant