Peanut Butter Fudge
Peanut Butter FudgeMy grandfather makes peanut butter fudge whenever he has the materials to make it. My grandparents would never be surprised when I came running over to their house when I smelled the sugar and marshmallow blending together in boiling hot water. The peanut butter being the cherry on top of the soft, velvet, brown fudge. He's the only one who knows the recipe, his mother gave it to him. When my grandfather came to America, from Canada he honored his mother by continuing to make the fudge. Grampie has always made the fudge since before I was born. Everyone on my mother's side knows about his infamous fudge, my family members coming over to say hi, and take a few pieces of fudge home. This fudge brings a feeling of nostalgia and a feeling of a hope to the present knowing that the recipe is going to be passed down as a tradition, it makes me feel special knowing that I can be trusted with it. Though my mother has the recipe currently, we have never tried to make it yet. I’ll wait for the day that I can start carrying the tradition on, and honoring my grandfather and his past. The fudge teaches us to keep traditions and memories of loved ones who are still here, and ones that are not, to keep them alive and to treasure them the most.
– DW
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant