

My object is a passport/ticket that my great grandpa used to immigrate  to the United States. He immigrated here on February 15,1907. (February 15 is also my mom’s birthday, too). My great grandpa came here from Eribeck, Russia. His name was written ‘Rubin Roskin’ on the ticket, but my grandparents told me that he had a heavy accent and he only spoke Russian and Hebrew. My family has gone by the last name of Raskin. (My last name is Kelani, which is my dad’s last name. It’s a Nigerian last name.) He traveled on a boat called “The Majestic”. The ship departed from Liverpool, and held 2,145 passengers. He was only 17 at the time and the 20th passenger on the ship.
I chose this object because it was cool. It’s teaching me why my ancestors immigrated to the US. My great great grandma was also Russian but then she moved to Europe, then Brazil, then the US. My family immigrated here because life in Russia wasn’t good for Jewish people.
A question I have for my ancestors: Is there any reason other than religious reasons? They also said it was for a better life and job opportunities. In addition, they were going to be persecuted. I also wonder why he couldn't bring more family members to the U.S.? Maybe it was because they didn't have enough money?

Place(s): Russia
Year: 1907

– LK

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more