
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My story is that my very important to me is the whole bracelet a it's a gift from my mom that my mom give it to me is very important to me because it's a gift from my mom that it's a very special to me is a very good bracelet to me that was my best gift birthday ever to me. My  16 birthday gift is a very special to me this year so i am very happy to see my birthday gift my best birthday gift is ever to me is a very special to me and my whole life and it's very very important to me but my family said do not lost  because it's very special to me in my life  forever I have to keep it to my new year too and my family said to me is my gift is a very special to me in my life.

Place(s): Pakistan
Year: 2013

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant