Ojo De Dios

Relationship: Im/migrant
a colorful cross
a colorful cross
Story pending

Have you ever heard of “El Ojo De Dios”?  It's a colorful cross with a simple structure that has a diamond shape in the middle and on each end of it. It is believed to protect children and members in one's family..Other Hispanic, Mexican and Latino families also might know about this because of its importance to their parents and their parents’ parents. Many Mexican families believe in the holy cross and that it blesses their homes if somewhere in their house, and the Ojo De Dios is not all that different from the holy cross However they both have their differences.When my mom and dad got married, one of their wedding gifts was an Ojo De Dios because starting a new home and eventually a family they still wanted to keep that tradition/culture with them when starting their new lives together;, there is now a cross for each of my sisters and me in our home.

Place(s): Michocan

– Cruz

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant