Oftoba (In Uzbekistan)

Oftoba (object name in Uzbekistan)
Oftoba (object name in Uzbekistan)
Story pending

This object is a cultural thing we use back in Uzbekistan. In the past conditions weren't good as it is today, people who lived in the past didn't have sinks they needed to use rivers, ponds, or even well's to get water. How it works is that you put water inside it and use the water any time you needed to wash your hands if the water finishes then you have to fill it back again. Probably, most families still use these objects or have kept them even though they don't use it. For example, my family still has this object and we still use it today. In Uzbekistan water dries out a lot so we use oftoba to help us until water comes again.
   This object is special to me because it reminds me of my great grandmother who died in age 85 (2010). Whenever I think about it or see it it motivates me to pass kindness around the world and it makes me stronger/brave because I always used to pour water on my great grandmothers hand so that I can help her and she didn't have to bend all the way down to get the oftoba and pour the water on her hand by herself. It also makes me feel happy and proud because it evokes my childhood memories back.  

Place(s): Uzbekistan, Samarkand
Year: 2007

– S

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more