Nintendo DS

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS

When I was younger, most of my family lived in the same building. For as long as I can remember, everyday me, my brother, and my cousins, would all be together: running around, hanging out with each other, and, most memorably, playing together on our Nintendo DS’s. I can vividly remember all of us, gathered in a circle, sitting in a corner of the living room, playing, laughing, competing. Although we played many different games together, our favorite was always Mario party. The constant competition, the randomness, the thrill was unlike anything else. None of us were very good at the minigames, but winning always made me feel on top of the world.  A couple years later, we split, no longer living right next to each other, but any chance we were together, we would still try to play together on the DS, with an even more fierce competition than before; whoever won was the best until the next time we would be together. I can vividly remember the first time I won in this competition. I got picked up from school and was excited to hear the news from my Mom that we were all meeting together in my grandma’s house. I was immediately filled with joy and could not stop thinking about it. As soon as we saw each other, we got straight to competing, and finally, I won.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant