Ninjago(Lego & cartoon)

In Fun
Ninjago Master of Spinjizu (classic)
Ninjago Master of Spinjizu (classic)

In everybody's childhood, everyone probaly has this one thing that's such a big thing in your life. Something you can't forget and it's so important and especially when people like me moved out from our hometown and went to another country.
In childhood life stuff like food our grandparents made and toys that we liked for years and other different things all would be deep in our memory that we wont forget.
In my childhood i grew up in a poor famiily, the only devices we had were one phone and a old TV. Me and my older brother always used to fight about who should use the TV and none of us would take a step back but then we figure out by watching the same cartoon, and out of all the cartoons I liked Ninjago the most. Ninjago is a story based on a group of people who use element power and become ninjas aganist dark power. Because of this one cartoon I bought many many different kinds of LEGO of it using the money that I earned doing chores and good grades. Price of the lego are all between 20 to over hundreds and  I had to save a very long time in order to buy one. Every time I got the box I was happy to unbox it and after I opened it, my brother wanted to build the lego for me and of course not building up the lego is one of the most fun to have and I would never let him do it for me. After I came to America I couldn't bring over my lego and other stuff. I was sad because when I saw videos and other real ones that my brother had, but then around 2021 my grandma shipped the lego here and I was so happy. This thing was such a big memory of mine and I would never regret loving it. 

Place(s): China


Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child