NHS Medal

Relationship: Im/migrant
NHS Medal
NHS Medal

National Honor Society is a national organization for high school students in the United States, we are selected based on our leadership, service, and character at school. This year, my sophomore year of high school, I was selected to be part of the NHS. Once accepted, the school has a ceremony to induct all new members into the society. During this ceremony, every new inductee receives a special medal of honor. It is not easy to be part of the National Honor Society so this medal reminds me of all the effort I put into all of my classes to have good grades. It is also a reminder of the hard work I did to have completed all of the service hours completed by sophomore year. 

When we had the ceremony of the National Honor Society, the teachers gave us medals to recognize our effort of being part of it. I felt proud when I received my medal. After being inducted, I ran to be our organization’s secretary, and I won! I really enjoy being part of this organization because we are always trying to help our community out. In this organization we plan to give community service hours to all students in our school, so they can graduate. 

That is why this medal is important and I will always cherish it. It will always remind me that hard work and determination pays off. I will see this medal as a reminder of my hard work in high school. Also the medal is really cute, I like it. 

Place(s): Maryland

– GV

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant