
In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Necklaces given to me by my grandparents
Necklaces given to me by my grandparents
Story pending

This image displays two necklaces given to me at a young age. These artifacts hold a special place in my heart because these necklaces were given to me by my grandparents. The necklace on the left-hand side was given to me by my mom’s parents while the necklace on the right-hand side was given to me by my dad’s parents. My mom’s parents bought their necklace in Manhattan after they immigrated to the U.S while my dad’s parents bought their necklace in China. The chinese words engraved onto the necklace on the right side has a meaning similar to “hoping your life goes smoothly” (well). The circular shaped jade on the necklace to the left side is meant to keep evil spirits/bad things away. These artifacts makes me feel safe and loved and with these two artifacts, I will always have a part of both sides of my family.

Place(s): China, New York
Year: 1997

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant