Nan's Ring

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
Ring from my grandmother
Ring from my grandmother

My story is about my Grandmother on my mother's side migration from Tennesse to California. She was the fourth child out of seven children, with three older brothers and both a younger sister and brother. They drove all the way from Tennessee to Valencia, CA with my Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother in the front and all seven kids crammed in the back. My grandmother's story is very important to me she had my mother at 16 years old and worked very hard to raise her and my uncle who she had at 19 and make sure they had the best life they could possibly have, she did not stop there she dedicated her whole life to raising me and her other grandchildren as well. I wear this ring to remind me of my grandma and everything she has done for me. She always taught me to look out for my siblings and to do whatever makes me happy, and that's what I always think about when I wear this ring. 

– amanda piecul

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant