My Watch

Relationship: Im/migrant
My watch
My watch
Story pending

This is a photo of my watch. It is important to me because it has been with me for many years and for me it means a memory of all the countries I have visited along the way such as Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Honduras to arrive in the United States and how I have seen the traditions and tasted the food of those countries. This watch comes from Colombia. My sister gave it to me when we visited that country on a beach called Capurgana and it also represents a nice memory of how I came to the United States. It reminds me of everything I went through to get to the United States and it also means a lot to me. It is a symbol of culture and a beautiful memory in my life and my experiences in each country. 

Place(s): New York

– Kevin Castillo

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant