My Treasure Chest

In Fun
Inside my treasure chest!
Inside my treasure chest!

My object is a treasure chest, stuffed with postcards, photos, gifts, and invitations, but I am only going to talk about three things inside of it. My first object is a postcard that my aunt gave me when I was nine. She had gone on a cruise to Antarctica and had written a heart-warming postcard that explained all her adventures there. On it was a picture of an Antarctic Fur Seal, that always makes me giggle when glanced at! My second object is a wooden framed picture of my brother and I. This frame picture is special to me, for it reminds me of all the memories I had at my old school! My third and final object is an invitation to a Nutcracker performance! My family had given it to my siblings and me, as a Christmas gift. This object is so special to me because I had always dreamed of dancing in the snow, like the picture of the ballerinas twirling on the invitation cover! My parent are both from India, and I was born there. We moved to the US from Singapore when I was two years old.

Place(s): India, Singapore, USA
Year: 2015

– IJ

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child