My snowglobe

In Fun

My parents gave me the snow globe when we got back home from my middle school graduation. The last two years have been hard for me, so this helped me cope with it and be able to move on. My snow globe teaches me that with grave pain, comes great success. As a young black woman in America, I've always been taught to be strong. My dad's always taught me to be strong, to make our people proud. To make something out of our ancestors, to lead by their example. I've always been taught that my knowledge and my brain are my biggest strengths, the two things no one can take away from me. I've learned that for something great to happen, that many times something bad has to happen first. An example is that a big bang has to erupt in order for the greatness to happen.  So I'll lead by example, I'll make my dad proud, my sisters, my ancestors, my people proud. I'm gonna be like the great kings and queens someday, whether It's today, or years from now, I'm gonna be a legacy. 


Relationship:  unknown unknown