My Nonnie's Gnocchi

Preparing Gnocchi with My Nonnie
Preparing Gnocchi with My Nonnie
Story pending

My Nonnie is one of the most admirable people in my life. At 27 years old, she and her two young daughters immigrated to Ellis Island from Italy, speaking little to no english. They left their home and everything they knew for a foreign country where the odds were a bit better. My Nonnie then took her family to Steubenville, Ohio where they began their new American life. She made so many sacrifices for the sake of her family and their futures. However, my Nonnie had some ways of making this unfamiliar country feel a bit more like home. A big one was through cooking traditional Italian meals, like Gnocchi. While quite simple, Gnocchi is a delicious dish made from flour, potatoes, eggs, and salt. My Nonnie would share it with her community in Steubenville and they loved it. Her cooking brought people closer together, people who, like her, had to leave everything behind and adapt to a completely different lifestyle. Even decades later, Gnocchi has remained a favorite in my family. We went over to my Nonnie’s house quite recently where we made Gnocchi with her and watched the process unfold. Taking a bite brought back memories of sitting at the wooden table in my Nonnie’s kitchen as a little girl, eating the dumpling-like dish as she asked if I wanted more parmesan cheese or butter. Her food has always been something that my family connects over and gives us something to be grateful for. I am so thankful for my Nonnie and everything that she has done for me. Without her, I would not even be here today. 

Place(s): Italy, Ohio, New York
Year: 1958

– Stella K

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant