My Name

Relationship: Im/migrant
This is a photo of me and my grandfather
This is a photo of me and my grandfather
Story pending

My grandfather's name was Emilio Rafael Olivo. He was a very loving and caring person and would always make me laugh and smile. Everytime I would go to my grandparents house I would always see him sitting next to my grandmother on the couch holding her hand. My cousins and I would say that he truly is the one that would bring the whole family together. Once COVID happened, that's when things went downhill. We couldn’t see each other as much anymore and the only way we were able to talk is through Facetime. My grandfather got really sick, testing positive for COVID. Since he was old it was worse for him, he couldn't take care of himself anymore and had to be sent to the hospital. I remember being able to Facetime him once while he was in the hospital. He could barely speak, he had tubes everywhere around him and it hurt me seeing him like that. A few days later he passed away. I remember wanting something of his that could be mine so I could always have him with me. My name is Emilia Rafaeli Olivo and I was named after my grandfather. When I am ashamed of my name I remind myself where it came from and how special it is and it reminds me that I have something so big and meaningful of him in my life that I can keep forever and ever.

– Emilia Olivo

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant