My Mother's ID

My mom
My mom

My mothers ID is what I have left of her. She passed away about two years ago when Covid hit. She passed away from Covid and left behind her id. The hospital gave us her belongings when she passed and I was able to get her wallet and driver id when she died while my siblings got some other things. I now carry and use the wallet with her driver's id on the front of it. When I look at it it reminds me of how she was always there for me and tried to make my childhood fun. I remember when she used to make little treasure hunts when I'd get home from elementary school and there would be a prize at the end like candy and bracelets. It also reminds me of how I treated her and what I could have changed. I never really hung out with my mom; but I still loved her. I didn't always listen either, and also behaved reckless but she was always there for me. I always thought that nothing bad could ever happen to me as a kid. I've always heard of people dying but I'd always try to convince myself that it wouldn't happen while she was in the hospital. The biggest thing I regret is that I didn't call her even when it was her last moments;  because I was scared of seeing her in that state. She couldn't talk on the phone, only hear me and my Spanish isn't  good. Since I was so scared I didn't call her at all.  I also don't have the best  memory so I am also scared of forgetting about her as time passes. I chose this object because it represents the memory of my mother. 

– CF

Relationship:  unknown unknown