My Moms Food

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
My Mom Tamales
My Mom Tamales
Story pending

My Moms FoodMy mom's food whether it’s mole, tamales, pozole, ceviche or different flavor cake, there's always something in it I love about it. Every time I help her serve the food to my siblings and my Dad she tells me “ lo ise con todo mi amor.” when my mom was younger she helped her parents in the fieldwork and when she couldn't help them she was told to cook, clean and just help around the house. She didn't really have time to study or do her homework. My mom describes her walk to school to be very far because it was far from where she lived and her school didn’t give transportation as schools do here. She later learned to cook things by herself and sometimes by her mom. Every time before we eat we pray for the food and To this point every time I get home she asks me when am I going to be ready to cook. My mom's favorite thing to make is cake and tamales, especially when in the summer for my brother's birthday or when my grandparents come from Mexico. Last year my old brother brought a friend over to learn how to make tamales and so we taught him how. While we were all helping my mom and my Tia my cousin took a picture of us, in the picture we weren't even looking.

Place(s): Mexico, Minnesota, Mi casa
Year: 2000

– Kathy Lopez Ortega

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant