My Middle Name


My object is my middle name it is from my Great grandmother. Carlina. It comes from my Great great grandmother.My great grandmother gave it to me.The history behind it is that it came from a part in Puerto Rico called Carolina and that was where my great great grandmother was born and came from. Carolina represents our family. It is a big part of the culture because it is where our family came from. It is important to my family because it’s a place we love and cherish. It’s important to me because it’s where I got my name from and my family loves it. As a family, we know that our name is one thing that is a part of our family. We will always know that our name is a part of a place in Puerto Rico called Carolina I will never forget anything about my middle name and how it became my middle name.

Place(s): Carolina, Puerto Rico

– Ameenah

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant